Why we are doing it
It was always our dream to run a convention in the beautiful capital of our home country. Because of several reasons and difficulties inside of our own community it was very hard for us to organize events. The Austrian Brony fandom was almost dead in 2016. There where almost no events happening anymore and there was a huge decrease of ambitious Bronies who were really involved in the fandom. But then in October 2017 there was the MLP Movie…
Because of the huge interest that a lot of people had in the MLP Movie, some of the people who still wanted to do Brony events put in a lot of effort to organize the MLP Movie MeetUp in Vienna. The effort paid off and this event turned out to be the biggest Brony event that ever took place in the entire history of the Austrian Brony community. Starting from this event, Bronies Austria experienced a huge revival and turned from almost dead to meetups almost every week.
And because of the amazing new Bronies who came and the newly motivated old Bronies who came back, the old idea of running a convention was brought up again.
We belive if there is one point in time of the Brony fandom where you should start a convention, it is at this very moment! We want to be an answer to the most frightening question that this fandom has today:
“Is the ride over?”
And our answer is:
“The fandom doesn’t end if the show ends. The fandom ends if the community ends. And that is why we are starting a convention right now!”